How do I get 1,000 YouTube views for free?

How to get 1000 *legit* YouTube views for free is about first creating solid, sharable, valuable and/or entertaining content, and taking the time to spread the word.

It’s been said that as long as it took you to create the video, you should spend the same amount of time promoting it.

Some places you can promote the video for free:

ALL your social media channels. However, don’t just say, “Watch my latest video,” unless you’re Casey Neistat or Philip DeFranco, it doesn’t work like that. Work the “value” angle, and briefly explain WHY someone would want to check out your content. Is it funny? Will it teach them a skill? Did something cool happen that you want to share? Tell them what’s it in for them, and you’ll see higher click-throughs on that.
BONUS: Don’t only post it one time per platform. Post it to Facebook once a week or so (so you don’t annoy your friends and family). Post it to Twitter 2–3 times a day, since things move so quickly there. Just be sure to post OTHER content between those posts so your account doesn’t look too self-promotional. Mention it on your Snapchat, if you’re on there, and plug it (and it’s VALUE) every once in a while. You get the idea.
Find relevant Facebook and LinkedIn groups that might be interested in the general type of content you offer. Look into conversations happening in those groups, and see where your content could provide value to everyone there.
This one takes some time, but start building up a mailing list. There are some great courses and free webinars that will start you down the path to crushing it with mailing lists, but this could be huge. Once you have an audience building up, give them exclusive, first access to your content, just before it comes out to the world.
Look for podcasts that are relevant in your field, or that of your channel’s. Look to get onto those podcasts, and the majority of hosts will allow you some time at the end of the episode to plug what you’ve got going on. Use that time to encourage listeners to check you out on YouTube, but be sure to mention the value you’re bringing.
Starting to see a pattern? VALUE is the key. No one will watch your videos simply because you made it and want them to. There has to be something in it for them, even if it’s momentary escapism for a 3 minute skit, or a parody music video. Let them know what they’ll be getting out of it as briefly as possible, and promote the video and your channel at every relevant opportunity.



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